If there were a pandemic-proof way to easily transform your followers into dollars… 
Would you want to know how?
I can teach you how to take your Instagram from earning coffee money to earning CAR payments. 
Step right this way if you're interested...

You’ve got bangin’ content. Got a loyal following. So why aren’t you landing all those sweet brand deals that everybody is always talking about?

You’ve been working on this for a LONG time. Growing your followers. Setting up the perfect grid. Storying like a mofo every day. Engaging, engaging, engaging. Repeat.

In fact, you’ve already got your content for the week shot, edited, grid planned out, and captions written (#influencergoals)

… Except that this is the umpteenth day of the umpteenth week that you’ve planned everything out perfectly, hoping to catch the eye of a brand waiting to shower you with free trips and generous gifts.

But if the influencer bus came along to pick you up recently, you must've missed it... because those deals are nowhere in sight.

You’ve heard that you can make money being an influencer, and that’s what you’ve been working towards! Dreams of your Instagram side-hustle becoming a full-time reality dance in your head... as you grind it out at your 9-5 job day after day.

And you’ve been told that if you *just* work really hard, post daily, story 50x/ day, and have the perfect edit, they’ll be practically throwing money at you...

Still, as hard as you work all you seem to get are those pitches for “ambassadorships” in your dms (you know, the ones where you have to pay shipping to get your “gifted” item… ugh.)

To add insult to injury, you see loads of fellow content creators (some with even less of a following than you!) regularly working with your favorite brands.

You think “how did she do that? I’ve been working just as hard, if not harder!”

What gives??

I understand this struggle PERFECTLY, because I've lived it!

I know just what it takes to get up every single day and throw yourself at that content creating machine. Then wake up one day and feel like- “Why am I doing this? What am I getting in return?”

And I know all too well the tipping point when the thrill of a couple likes just isn’t a fair exchange for your energy anymore.
If this sounds like you, I'm here to tell you the time has come for you, babe...

You need to get PAID

But before we find out how, I’m about to let you in on a little secret that others don’t know…

You see, it’s not about wrangling or tricking brands into working with you. It’s not about chasing down those deals.

It’s simply about making them an offer they can't refuse. 

Giving them SO much value and being SO dang irresistible that they have no choice!

And guess what? There’s a science to it. There are exact steps to follow and exact words you can say to turn “no’s” into “yes’s” all day long.

Wanna know how?

Can you imagine...

What would happen if you were able to take control of EXACTLY how much money you can earn on Instagram?

❤️ What if you could wake up to multiple emails from brands in your inbox, because you’ve learned how to say the perfect thing that paints a picture of JUST what they’re looking for?

❤️ What if you successfully negotiated with those brands, earning more from one photo than you do working a whole week at your 9-5?

❤️ What if creating the content for those deals was simply documenting yourself living your dream life? Making drool-worthy content, having one-of-a-kind experiences, and getting PAID to do it.

❤️ What if making money by living your best life and creating content that brings you joy is actually… a job? (contrary to popular belief that influencers get paid to do nothing.)

❤️ That you’re building your portfolio and establishing your credibility? And that every time you do one successful campaign, it helps you land the next deal... And the next, and the next, and the next.

Are you with me here?

Can you picture yourself doing this for the long-haul?



The Influencer’s Guide to

Working with Brands

A complete roadmap for landing collaborations, pitching brands, and making money from your Instagram influence.

This is my signature course with 24 video trainings that teaches you how to get PAID for creating content on YOUR terms, in less time than you think, even if you only have a small audience!

My 4-module program will tell you step-by-step who to contact, what to say, and how to negotiate for what you’re worth.

Choose a Pricing Option

Oh-- and if you’re tired of courses that waste your precious time by telling you silly things you already know? ... 

Like how to set up your account or how to make your first post? 

Don’t worry, you won’t find that here! This is no-fluff and all-info course. You are deep IN IT from the first module.

Getting Curious?

See what's inside Dream Collab...

  Welcome, my dear!!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1- Who Do I Work With?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2- How Do I Contact Them?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3- What Do I Ask For?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4- I got a campaign! What do I do next?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Wrap up
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll


Who do I work with?

Have you ever wanted to work with brands, but have no idea where to start? This is your spot! We’re going to dive into exactly how to find the brands that are not only PAYING, but are working with influencers just like you.

No need to keep chasing your tail, wondering why the 300 brand contacts you Googled last week aren’t responding. I’ll tell you why, then I’ll tell you the BETTER way to get the most up-to-date contacts that will get you a response 95% of the time.


How do I reach out?

“So I’ve got the contacts… now what the heck do I say?? Send haaaalp!!”

I totally understand the paralysis of worrying about coming off as foolish or unprofessional when you’re sending your first email to a brand. The stress can be enough to make you procrastinate, and stop your flow dead in its tracks… thus stopping the cash flow.

Don’t worry. In this module, we’re going over paragraph-by-paragraph EXACTLY what to say. By the time we’re finished, you’re going to learn the #1 things a brand wants to hear when you pitch them, and my top ways to kick their “We need to work with this influencer NOW” spidey sense into high gear.


What do I ask for?

Are you sick of the opacity around compensation in the influencer industry? Here, we go over exactly what to charge and why. This section takes the guesswork out of it, so that you are confident in your rates and charge like you mean it.

Also, if you’ve ever felt ignored by a brand, we go over how to follow up without feeling like THAT annoying jerkface. And if you DO get turned down? Babe, that’s not the end of it. We’re going to learn how spin it around and turn that ‘no’ into a ‘yes’ faster than you can say “mo’ money mo’ problems.”


I got a campaign!

What do I do?

Omg, omg! All the work you’ve done has finally paid off!! This is where a lot of courses might leave you high and dry, thinking that they’ve taught you how to pitch… their work here is done! But navigating what happens after you get a ‘yes’ is just as important as scoring that first deal.

Why? Because the goal is to form a relationship- not be a one-and-done, wham-bam-thank-you-m’aam kinda gal.

Here I’m walking you through interpreting those long-winded briefs, and what to look for in a contract. So that by the end, you’ll be 100% more confident that you know how to deliver an awesome campaign that will keep them coming back for years to come.

Sound good? Well I'm not stopping there! 

It's time to talk BONUS TRAININGS.

Bonus training 1

How to rock your

meeting or call

“Eek, the brand that I’ve been emailing with asked me to hop on a call! I’m terrible on the phone… what do I do??”

Calls and meetups are super common when a brand is looking to work with you. And I know how nerve-wracking it can be to sell yourself on the phone instead of over email. But did you know that you’re more likely to get booked for a campaign if a brand can get to know the person behind the feed? This is actually a golden opportunity for you!

So don’t worry. In this bonus training, we’re going to go through exactly how to handle calls and meetings, with you coming out looking polished, professional, and ready to ROCK this campaign.

Bonus training 2

Media Kit Maximizer

Okay, so you’ve heard about media kits, you’ve heard about rate sheets… but what do they mean? And most important, what’s the best way to actually make one? 

In this bonus training, we go into a deep dive into not only how to master putting your media kit together, but also how to make a rate sheet and a proposal template.

Bonus training 3

Time is on your side

By this time, we've thoroughly gone over the who, what, where, and why you’re pitching… but what if you’re still confused about the when? 

This bonus module will show you how to get the best results by timing your pitches according to when brands are on the lookout for influencers to work with.

Now just so that this course is EXTRA sweet for you, I made sure to put plenty of icing on this cake. 

So let me walk you through even MORE BONUSES AND PERKS you'll be getting access to from the moment you join!

4 Module-Specific Workbooks

Because as you're going through this course, you need a place to write down your ideas, take notes, and keep everything organized.

+ 2 Brand and Pitching Trackers

"Omg, how long ago did I send my pitch to Brand X?" "Their contact info is around here somewhere... where?" "What are their hero products again??" 

All questions you'll never have to ask yourself when you have these trackers. 

At a glance, you will quickly and easily access all your important pitching info, complete with calendar views and brand dossiers. All in a tidy, private, accessible online area.

+ Campaign Content Manager 

Overwhelmed by all the campaigns you've got rolling in as a result of taking this course? I got you fam. Here the place you will store all campaign info- including content ideas, to-do lists and deadlines. 

Again- all online, and accessible to your team or VA.

+ Media Kit Maximizer template

Confused about how to put together your media kit? I've included this sample template in my bonus training for you to start using immediately! 

The template contains all the pertinent info that a brand wants to know about you, rolled into a short and sweet 2-page package.

Time is on Your Side Planner 

Because you need to be working on your content, not wasting brain space panicking that you haven't even pitched for December yet!  

This planner does the work for you by telling you what to pitch ahead of time in any given month. It also includes typical themes and holidays for every month that brands tend to use for campaign ideas.

Trust me- this one is going to be a life-saver for you.

In other words... 

Dream Collab- The Influencer’s Guide to Working with Brands gives you all the tools you need to pitch your dream brands in a week or less. 

So that you can make a profit off of your hard work and influence starting this week!!

You right now:

"Wow, all this sounds amazing!!

...What’ll it set me back??"

When you start Dream Collab TODAY, here's all the goodies you’ll get!

+ My 4-module, 24-video course

Value $1000

+ Bonus Training 1- Rock your Meeting or Call

Value $200

Bonus Training 2- Media Kit Maximizer + template

Value $227

Bonus Training 3- Time is on Your Side + Planner

Value $247

Module workbooks

Value $197

Brand & Pitching Trackers

Value $79

Campaign Content Manager

Value $47

That's a $2000 value!!

But guess what?

I'm charging a fraction of that.

I believe in access. I believe in people building empires and businesses. I believe in people being able to express themselves exactly the way they want to and get paid for it.

No matter if you’re just starting out, or if you’ve been at this for a long time… there is NO wrong time to start.

And I think EVERYONE who wants to put in the work and learn should be able to have this knowledge.

That’s why I’m offering this course for only...

For a limited time

̶$̶2̶0̶0̶0̶ $157!!!

And by the way... hi! I'm Chantilly,

I'm a full-time content creator and influencer from NYC.

I started out as a singer-songwriter who blogged on the side. Armed with my boyfriend (turned husband)’s camera, I started documenting my outfits and daily life, and teaching myself the ropes of mastering an online presence. My passion for blogging soon turned into an Instagram addiction, which I’ve been feeding for the past 3 years.

During that time I honed my style and put time, money, and energy into growing. And guess what... it worked! My following skyrocketed.

At this point I started to realize... to me, Instagram didn’t deserve its bad rap. It wasn’t what people said it was. It wasn’t a popularity contest. An excuse for gratuitous vanity. Or for using your inflated fake followers to impress your friends. Sure, you CAN use it that way. But that wasn't how I wanted to use it...

Instagram is a place where YOU can do YOU. An inclusive place where anybody can live in the reality that they choose to. Where you can be your best self and live your best life. And most important of all- a place where your influence translates into tangible things in the real world. 


And the ability to express yourself, and most importantly- make a living on your own terms.

And I personally find that empowering as hell.